Our chains are used for conveyors for transpoting processed materials in the plant.
Features and Evaluation
Our chains support detailed community-based resident services.
We are contributing to the continued efficient processing of general waste collected daily from within the region while being environmentally friendly. With its stable performance, it plays a role in the continuous operation of equipment even in highly abrasive and corrosive environments.
Kushiro Wide-Area Federation Official Site.
It is a wide-area alliance consisting of six municipalities: Kushiro City, Kushiro Town, Akkeshi Town, Teshikaga Town, Tsurui Village, and Shiranuka Town. The company and wide-area federation have three goals: advanced environmental protection measures, promotion of a resource recycling society, and reduction of waste processing costs, and is working to provide more efficient and high-quality services.
Kushiro Wide-Area Federation Official Site (in Japanese)
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